1. Personal Information
Full name:
Bui Thi Quyen

Date of Birth:
Lecturer at School of Business Administration
– University of Economics & Business – Vietnam National University
Doctor degree
Office Address:
144 Xuan Thuy str., Cau Giay dist., Hanoi
2. Education:
- 2007 - 2011: Bachelor Business Administration – Trade Union
- 2011 - 2013: Master of Economics Management – Hanoi University of
Mining and Geology
- 2017 - 2020: Doctor of Economics Development - Central Institute
for Economic Management
3. Experience:
- 11/2020 - present: Lecturer at School of Business Administration- University
of Economics & Business - Vietnam National University
- 10/2013 - 10/2020: Lecturer at Faculty of Business Administration -
Hanoi University of Industry
4. Main subjects:
- Corporate
- Business ethics
- Leadership
5. Announced scientific works:
5.1. Studies:
5.1.1. Papers:
- Bui Thi Quyen (2019), “Solutions
to improve the quality of postal human resources in Vietnam in the integration
period”, Journal of Science and Technology, 04/2019, No. 51, p. 123-128, ISSN
- Bui Thi Quyen (2019), “Postal
business development in some countries in the world and experience for Vietnam”,
Economy and Forecast Review, 06/2019, No. 16, p. 81-83, ISSN: 0866-7120
- Bui Thi Quyen (2016), “Improve the
quality of state postal services in the new context”, Economy and Forecast
Review, 08/2016, No. 19, p.
33-35, ISSN: 0866-7120
5.1.2. Proceedings of
National Science Conference:
- Nguyen Thi Mai Huong, Bui
Thi Quyen (2020), “Factors affecting the satisfaction of tourism service
quality at Flamingo Dai Lai Resort”,
Workshop reports collection of National Conference: Green
growth: corporate governance and development, 10/2020, p.105-116
- Bui Thi Quyen (2020), “Improve innovation
capacities in Vietnam's postal businesses”, Proceedings of National Science
Conference: Green growth: corporate governance and
development, p. 125-134
- Bui Thi Quyen (2020), “Foreign direct investment
(FDI) in Vietnam's postal sector”, Proceedings of National Science Conference:
Fourth Industrial Revolution:
Start up and develop Vietnamese businesses, p. 248-256
- Bui Thi Quyen (2019), “Research on factors
affecting the competitiveness of Vietnam's postal enterprises in the
international integration process”, Proceedings of National Science Conference:
Improving the business environment to enhance Vietnam's competitiveness in the
4th industrial revolution, p. 52
- Bui Thi Quyen, Nguyen
Thi Mai Huong (2019), “Factors affecting the satisfaction of small and
medium-sized businesses with credit support services at Vietnam Bank for Agriculture
and Rural Development (Agribank) in Phu Tho”, Proceedings of National Science Conference:
Development of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam in the context of
industrial revolution 4.0, p. 432-446
5.2. Scientific research:
- Assessment of impacts of industrial
parks, industrial clusters, export processing zones on socio-economic
development of Hanoi city, Hanoi City projects, member, 2019